Hello from the South!


Dec 4, 2015
Hi, my name is Kenny. I'm new to this site but I've been raising chickens for 3 years. And quail and rabbits for a little over a year now. I'm located in South Mississippi bordering the gulf coast and Louisiana. I'm hoping to share as well as gain some additional knowledge as I'm looking to build my own cabinet incubator. If you live in my general area please let me know. Thanks
Hi Kenny,

You can find your state thread here:
That will help you find members close by.

Good luck with building a cabinet incubator.

Thanks for joining us!
Hi :welcome Kenny

Glad you could join us here!! NorthFLChick has kept you a great link to check out for other keepers in your area. Good luck with your incubator build :fl If you type in diy incubators in the search above there should be threads on them that come up. I cheated and bought an incubator to satisfy my addiction!! Will this be your first incubation? It sure can become addictive once you get started incubating eggs. It's lots of fun amd very rewarding as you see your new chicks hatch.

Wishing you the very best of luck for the future.

Enjoy BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC, Kenny. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about Quail (never had any), but definitely post on our Quail section in Other Backyard Poultry under the Forum at the top of the page and take advantage of our Quail experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I've been using the Little Giant 9300 incubators for hatching quail. My last few hatches had lower hatch rates. I had moved my incubators into a different room. one without a door. So it could be drafty. So I moved them back to the room I used before. Well, my last two hatches? nothing. Now during this time I had purchased a programmable thermostat for the house heating and air. And I'm very conservative with my electric. My incubators were having major temp swings. So I got a small space heater that had an adjustable thermostat that I set on 70. now I have steadier temps in my LGs. I hope to build a wooden cabinet incubator, and also try making one from a mini refrigerator, if I can get the right dimensions as I want to use my egg turners.

So far I haven't tried incubating chickens. But as soon we get a few more duck eggs they're going in.
Nice to meet you Kenny, glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. You may try putting "DIU incubators," in the search box. Lots of people have done so and give the details.

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