Hello from TN, with pics!

A Justice

Jul 7, 2022
I have ten, 8 week old, black sex-linked chicks (possibly one rooster); It's my first set. I'm currently working on a 75 sqft coop, and it's my intention to let them free range in the woods, so I'm not working on a run. They will be raised for eggs, and are in a brooding box that my neighbors let me borrow for now.


I moved to TN about two and a half years ago from Northern VA (ugh) to get some space. I work on swimming pool equipment professionally, and have a small side business. I am an electronics hobbiest, and enjoy working with microelectronics, battery systems, and solar energy.

The most important things to me are my family, self sufficiency, and competency. I love nature and animals as well. I have two dogs, a male hound named Bobby, and a female pit-lab mix named Marley. I think Bob will probably eat a chicken if given the chance, Marley has already proven herself good with small, fuzzy animals.

I've been a long time lurker here, and you L&G's are the reason I finally decided to get some chicks!

I'm always open to advice, and happy to help out when I can!


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