Hello From Tracy California and a little help


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 1, 2011
Tracy, California
Hello all you worthy Backyard Chicken folks,

I just moved to Tracy California to a little acreage that is just my speed. We're going to buy a couple cows and we get to keep our 3 horses there. I love waking up to the morning sunrise here in the San Joaquin valley. In the west we have a great view of both peaks of Mt Diablo. The reason why I joined BYC is because along with the farm came a little project. 11 hens and 1 rooster. They weren't in good shape but they were hanging in there. I was trying to diagnose what I call Chicken Red Butt when I joined BYC. I never have gotten a diffinitive diagnosis but I am working various ideas. The flock is now not crowded into a tiny little space. They have DE in the bottom of the coop with the straw and shavings for Deep Litter Method. When the weather gets warm I am going to bath them against lice and mites. We think they are about a year old. Now that they have regular food and water (imagine that!) I have eggs coming out of my ears? But my partner doesn't like fertile eggs and wants me to re-home the rooster. I thought perhaps if I offered 5 of hens and the rooster to somebody they would make a very good starter flock. But I don't have the foggiest idea of how to find a good home where the rooster wouldn't be at risk for being put in a fight. Cock fights are big around here. I can't put anything on the BYC auction site until I've made 10 posts. I'm new! But I have an immediate need! The last part is my friend Lupe. She has a baby (3 weeks old) unknown breed (not red, not white, not barred rock) rooster from a school project that she needs to re-home. I don't want him ending up in a boa constrictor's belly! Help! I need ideas for finding good homes for the kids!
you might try posting on your local freecycle and Craigslist and to get more post on BYC try welcoming new members and asking any questions you have and for the unknown chick try posting a description/pictures in the What Breed Or Gender is This? section.
from Kansas I don't understand about the fertilized eggs you can't taste the difference. You could post on your local CL or put a flier at your feed store 1 rooster and 2 hens for sale. Good luck.
Thank you to all who have welcomed me and are giving me great ideas! I would give them to you in TX if I were closer for sure! To Kansas I think my partner is afraid of cracking an egg and finding a chick or red spot. He's just uninformed. If I can re-home the rooster successfully I will be avoiding banged up hens too otherwise I don't care because my rooster is a character and he's great! He's Foghorn Leghorn! Ur-ur-ur-ur-uuuuuuuR!
LoL just have him read byc we will straighten him out in no time.
Good luck it is hard to find homes for roosters and I love mine he is great when they free range at protecting the flock. Since the flock is still around he must do his job pretty good. If he is nice to humans and good to his girls I would just keep him but that's me. I love roosters they are so cool,

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