Hello from Tulsa

from Hawaii
Welcome neighbor. I'm in Tulsa too. Be sure to check out the Okies thread in the Where am I, where are you forum. There is information on there about the third annual People Of Oklahoma Poultry Swap or P.O.O.P.S for short.
Hi my wife and I are new members. We are in Broken Arrow OK. We had a flock of Buff Orpingtons about 3 or 4 years ago, but had been out of the chickens until this year. We have 5 Buff Orpingtons, 2 RIRs and 4 what we thought were Black Astralorps (not entirely sure yet if they are Jersey Giants I'm hoping the Astralorps. Glad to see someone local on here.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Looking forward to learning about raising chickens in my back yard.
I'm in Tulsa, also
- and so glad you found BYC!

The Okie thread chats a lot, but we always welcome new people, and like srsmith69 says - POOPS is our annual Okie get-together and we would love for you to come!

Hello Fellow Tulsans!
I live in Midtown and love my backyard flock!!
Considering going to POOPS this year, hope to see you there!!


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