Hello from Washington State!


In the Brooder
May 7, 2017
Battleground, Washington
Hello everyone! First time poster-long time reader! Years ago my fiancé and I raised ducks for eggs, and this forum was a life saver. Weeeeell technically for their eggs but I instinctually turn every livestock animal into a pet...

Anyway, we finally bought a house (yay!) and have ventured from duck ownership to raising chickens. I've already learned so much from other people posting similar questions, and am looking forward to finally having fresh eggs again!

Our neighbors all laugh at me for naming farm animals but I proudly present:
-Detective Popcorn, the white bantam Cochin (80% certain this little ladies man is a Roo)
-Olive (the blue grey olive egger)
-Gizmo (the runt of the bunch, black sex link)
-Stripe (barred rock.)

Fairly certain they are all pullets except the bantam which will be delightful because he's so friendly and will look ridiculous strutting around protecting his enormous hen ladies haha.

I adore these little dummies, their favorite game after digging around in the coop is climbing into my lap for a nap!
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All the best

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