Hello from Western Oregon!


In the Brooder
May 18, 2015
Western Oregon
Greetings all! :)

I am from NW Oregon, my husband and I live on a 5 acre farm with horses, goats, and of course our chickens. My little flock has changed a lot in the last 6 weeks. In early April, I lost one of my two first birds (both were/are Rock Hens) to cancer. Laverne and Shirley were both abandoned by my neighbors when they moved away 6 years ago. They were never really pick-up-and-cuddle birds, but they came when called and liked to hang out near us while we did chores (we free-range). We still have one of the two Rock Hens.

Yesterday I lost my Wyandotte (Rosie), who was about 6 years old. She was a lovely bird and very sweet, didn't mind being picked up and carted around and liked to eat out of your hand. I am going to miss her sunny personality a lot.

Today, I picked up my first 'babies' from a gal about an hour away; Salmon Faverolles. I got two pullets and a cockerel, all 3 months old, and so far they've been such darling, sweet birds. This will be my first Roo and so far I am very impressed with his sweetheart, cuddly demeanor. This evening my Rock Hen came over to check them out and shrugged them off. She would rather hang outside with the goats! But we are keeping a close eye on everybody till they've settled in, as I have read a lot about how Faverolles will often not stand up for themselves.

I am thinking I might have to finally build a coop for the Favs; all the chickens we've had up till now have been great for free-ranging but I am concerned the Favs would feel more comfortable overnight in a more confined, secure space than a huge horse barn!

I am looking forward to getting to know other chicken enthusiasts and exchanging information. I am very excited to learn more! :)
Welcome to BYC!

If you would like to 'meet' other members from OR, you can find them here:

If you haven't already, check out the Learning Center, there are articles there on all aspects of raising chickens. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members here.

Nice to have you join us!
welcome to BYC !!
Thank you!
Welcome to the Backyard chickens flock, glad you joined us. Salmon faverolles are beautiful, docile birds - I do think they would benefit being in a closed safe run, rather than free ranging. They would likely be picked off first as lunch for some predator.

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