Hello! I'm Suzanne from Missouri

Welcome to BYC

Your chickens are beautiful.
I completely agree with previous posters...way too young yet. Their combs will turn bright red and their butts will be large and wide and fluffy...thus that is why they are called "fluffy butts"

I am one of those who don't believe in extending the light of day time. I use red light bulbs in the coop so I can see and let nature take it's course with the laying. They are extremely hardy birds..most chickens are hardier than we give them credit for.
Welcome!! We are thrilled to have you.
Thank you so much for the wonderful welcome. I already feel at home on this forum.
One thing I find so funny about the hens is when they get a running start to try and fly they only get about a foot off the ground. It seems like they really struggle.I guess it's because they are so heavy.Also they are starting to follow me around the yard but they dont want me to know that they are following me. One let me stroke her back 2 times then walked away. They dont run from me anymore. They are great pets and not just egg layers. I wont put light in the coop to heat it. If it gets to cold for them I have 2 infrared heat bulbs for my critters so I will put one of them in there.
And you are right they do have really fluffy butts.

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