Hello, I've been absent for a few months...Question


12 Years
Jul 1, 2007
South Central PA
Soon we will be replenishing our flock of aged hens, now down to 3 bantams and 3 RIR's. They are nearly 6 years old now. They will live out their lives with us.

I have one bantam cochin, Rootbeer, (my personal favorite) who has in the past been very broody. I would love to order a dozen guineas for her to hatch. Do I wait for her to become broody and then order the guinea eggs? She would love to hatch some eggs and I have a perfect place for her, away from the rest of the girls. How do I do this?

I'm also ordering standard Cochins and Jersey Giants, all hens. I really want a rooster, so I will order the smallest rooster I can find, hopefully not a mutilator to the hens, but still protect the flock. I don't need a rooster to fertilize. Any ideas? We miss the crowing, but want the hens to be fairly safe.

Thanks in advance,
Yes you need to wait for the hen to go broody before you order eggs. As fare as the rooster goes. I have a huge BR rooster that is pretty good at taken care of his girls. I would not order a bantam cochin rooster...... I have 2 and the little terds like to chase my kids. So I am not sure what to tell you there.
I may be wrong here (and probably am) but I don't think you can get guinea eggs until next year (early summer). Maybe you have a source though.

I agree that you need to let your hen go broody and then order and get eggs under her as quickly as possible.

If you want a roo for protection then I'd highly encourage you to go with a standard size roo and not a bantam. But, you need to make that decision on what you have room for and what works for you.
Thanks. Any information is great. Everyone has an opinion and that is fine. Just don't know quite what to do. We have no kids, and as long as the rooster can be trained to be somewhat friendly (I can do this) with the hens I'm fine with that. Plus he will be TINY compared to the hens I'm getting.

Thanks all. There is NOTHING better than guineas for alarm, alert. Friends would come over to our house and be afraid to get out of their cars.

My two rescued geese were the very best protectors. They loved me (sat in my lap for hours and snoozed while I read a book). If someone came on our property they would honk and attack. Then I'd wake up my 4 Rottweilers to see if it was serious. My big birds were the first on the scene. The Rotties were afraid of the geese.

I have 4 and only 1 likes to think he is big. he got a rude awakening the other morning when I was giving them scratch. He came at me and got a bucket in the face. I personally like my BR roo is a gentle giant with my girls.
good to see some pepole have them as pets and treat them right thanks for youre dedication for them chickens

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