Hello!! New chicken raiser from PA


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2022
Hello and my name is Lafadra. I had always wanted to raise chickens, and so I ordered some. I had to order 5 of each, so I had to order 5 male Brahma and 5 female, the same for the Buff Orphington. So 20 chicks right now, but I plan on keeping only 1 male of each and all the females. There is a farmers' auction near me, so I can take the ones I dont want there. What I am trying to find out now is how big of a coop and run I will need for them. I found someone selling coops near me, but it is only 6'L and 4'W. I could buy 2 and put them back to back... would that be big enough? And what size run would you suggest? Thanks for any help or suggestions.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. This is a wonderful place to hang out and explore.
About 4 foot per bird is you goal on coop .. Depending may look at buildings at a Home Depot or Lowe's.
Those can be modified quite easily.
Bird netting off amazon is good depending on predators on your area.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens. This is a wonderful place to hang out and explore.
About 4 foot per bird is you goal on coop .. Depending may look at buildings at a Home Depot or Lowe's.
Those can be modified quite easily.
Bird netting off amazon is good depending on predators on your area.
Thank you. I am on a fixed income so I am trying to find the run and coop within my budget. I am horrible at building anything, and there is no one around to ask or hire. So a 26 ft run wouldnt work then.....sigh. I guess i will have to keep looking. and the coop,I thought if I bought 2 and put them back to back and opened it up inside it would be big enough.....
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I could buy 2 and put them back to back... would that be big enough? And what size run would you suggest?
As @pennyJo1960 mentioned, you want to shoot for 4 sq ft of area per bird in the coop and additional 12-15 sq ft per bird in the run.
Do you have an old shed on the property you could use? Sometimes shed builders remove old sheds from properties and perhaps you could speak to them about delivering an old shed to you for the cost of transport. ANYONE that could help you modify an existing building into a coop and help you put up something for a run?
You will want to rehome all but one male with only 10 hens. You really don't need the drama. And you will want to send the cockerels packing by the time they are around 12 weeks old before they start terrorizing your pullets.
ok thank you for the help. I have an outside
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

As @pennyJo1960 mentioned, you want to shoot for 4 sq ft of area per bird in the coop and additional 12-15 sq ft per bird in the run.
Do you have an old shed on the property you could use? Sometimes shed builders remove old sheds from properties and perhaps you could speak to them about delivering an old shed to you for the cost of transport. ANYONE that could help you modify an existing building into a coop and help you put up something for a run?
You will want to rehome all but one male with only 10 hens. You really don't need the drama. And you will want to send the cockerels packing by the time they are around 12 weeks old before they start terrorizing your pullets.
ok and thank you. I do have an outside dog kennel that is 6'x 9' and i have landscaping poles i could use as posts....I would just have to buy lumber for the walls and floor. But i am horrible at building. I have looked for old sheds around but no one has anynear enough to me to get them.

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