Hello! Noob with chicken addiction spiralling out of control ;)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
Saddleworth, Yorkshire
Hello there, glad to find this fantastic site!
A bit of an intro; my kind husband built me a shed for chickens a few years ago and then I became pregnant, twice in a year in fact ;) Hurrah!
Of course I had to wait until the double baby madness subsided and then, last November I finally converted it to a proper coop, built a run and took in my first girls.
Four ex battery hens, featherless, frightened and pathetic looking. Fell in love immediately!

Kind of snowballed from there as I then bought 2 Skylines and 2 Bluebelles pol from a local farm only 6 weeks later.
The flock is doing fantastically, free ranging in our garden and woodland , can't remember what it was like before ( only that it must have been rather boring :D)

Now I well and truly have the 'bug', I've just hatched 3 incubated chicks ( now nearly two weeks old) out of 5 eggs . One sadly died yesterday, but the other two are thriving - a Fresian Fowl and a Cuckoo Maran.

The question is now, given the size of my current flock should I get another coop/run for the newcomers for when they are older? Thinking of letting the runs sit side by side to let them get to know each other, then integrating them later.

Would also like to hatch some more chicks to add to the flock, sooner rather than later.

Any advice really welcomed, I defer to your members' superior knowledge on this subject :)

Many thanks!

Ah....chicken math at it's finest here!!
Would you like us to do an intervention for this addiction?

Yes, we are all addicted to chickens here. And on this note, if you have the funds and the time, always build a second coop! I started with this dinky little thing that now, seems only large enough to house a large German Shepard! But as time went on, I realized that I was never going to be able to add to my flock with this tiny coop. So out came the tools and the new huge coop was born.

Welcome to BYC and enjoy your new adventures!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about the loss of your one chick, glad the others are doing fine. X2 on TwoCrows suggestion of you might as well give in now and build that bigger coop, and just go ahead and build it even bigger than you are thinking. Two (or more) adjacent coops are nice to have, lots of uses, gives you a grow out coop for babies, sick coop if somebody gets hurt and needs separated, if you want to feed some a different food because they are molting or something, a breeding pen if you want to hatch your own from certain parents, and if you have one far enough (or can move one) away it also makes a quarantine coop for purchased newcomers.
The question is now, given the size of my current flock should I get another coop/run for the newcomers for when they are older? Thinking of letting the runs sit side by side to let them get to know each other, then integrating them later.
Welcome to the madness, Boomer101! Yes, after a quarantine period for newcomers of at least 30 days (being totally separated), side-by-side runs work well to allow looking but not pecking. After about two weeks you may allow them to mix and mingle to see what happens. The pecking order has to be sorted out eventually and sometimes it's a bit unsettling. Just ensure that the smaller and/or timid ones have a place to run and hide if the larger ones get too rough.
Be especially careful when introducing young pullets and cockerels to the older ones. I've used a large dog kennel for protection until the older chickens get used to them being around.
Good luck, and please check in often!

Ah....chicken math at it's finest here!! ;)   Would you like us to do an intervention for this addiction? :gig

Yes, we are all addicted to chickens here. And on this note, if you have the funds and the time, always build a second coop! I started with this dinky little thing that now, seems only large enough to house a large German Shepard! But as time went on, I realized that I was never going to be able to add to my flock with this tiny coop. So out came the tools and the new huge coop was born.

Welcome to BYC and enjoy your new adventures!!

Hi TwoCrows, if my husband had anything to with, it an intervention would be well received! Sadly I think I'm too far gone. There is already chicken art in my house. And one has already made it into the kitchen :/ ( by accident, honest).

The coop and run we have is actually huge, it's a garden shed so could probably take up to at least 15. I just don't want my youngsters to be mauled by the current lot. How many do you have and with what set up?
Thanks guys, TwoCrows I posted a reply quoting you and I've been diverted to the moderator...I'm such a forum noob lol. I didn't do anything naughty, honest.

Anyway thank you and to Kelsie, yes giving in is the only option as I see it . A second coop for those little medical hiccups and somewhere for the newcomers sounds sensible. I was going to do it anyway, I just needed the professional validation and an excuse to get more coops. And chickens. :D

Yes, Yes! A place to quarantine is a must! I learned that lesson the hard way a few years ago before I had access to internet at home to do proper research about chickens.

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