Hello peeps!


8 Years
Nov 15, 2011
I'm a Pacific Northwesterner on the other side of Washington state (You know, the side that isn't green but more brown and sage color) and I guess the most accurate description of myself I could provide is that I am a city girl trying her best to convert to country while still living in city limits.

After learning that my small city does not prohibit chickens, my addiction began just a few weeks ago with the purchase of 8 ameracauna chicks over the internet. They arrived safely... and accompanied by no less than 10 mystery brothers! My plans for an 8 chick brooder went quickly down the drain. All 18 birds are now just over three weeks old and looking like actual chickens.

In the meantime, to prepare myself for the inevitable dispatch of said brothers, I picked up a whole bunch of free birds from Craigslist to practice on. While most were only good enough for immediately conversion into freezer form, one lady I spoke with turned around and gave me 8 gorgeous just-started-laying hens! I was then blessed with a little girls' pet banties after her mother was threatened with being cited for having them in the larger nearby city. So... to date I have 10 layers in the outside coop, 18 babies in a temporary indoor corral (they graduated from their heater today!), and my dogs think the chickens are their new best friends. I have one that paces and cries to be let in to the chicken run! To my great surprise, they all play together nicely.

Our cat thinks the chickens are all of the devil and stays FAR away, and that's perfectly okay with me! My family is still in the stages of mixed awe, repulsion, and acceptance of this project. Can't wait until I tell them I'm doing rabbits too...

(1 husband, 5 kids, 1 grandkid, 4 dogs, 1 cat, and a whole bunch of chickens)

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