Hello! Pennsylvania Newbie Here!


7 Years
Oct 14, 2012
Lower Saucon Township, Pennsylvania
Hi everyone! I'm Pentamom! I am mom to 5 boys ages 10 and under. We are all vegetarian (with the exception of my husband), but I'm more vegan than vegetarian. I will not allow my kids to be vegan as I feel they still need the nutrients from some animal products. (They made their own decision to be vegetarians :) )

I have decided to get the household chickens, because I really would like to know where our eggs are coming from. I already know where our milk is coming from...so eggs is what's next best. LOL!

We just moved into our new home located on 4 acres~so we are excited to bring some chickens into our family! When our chickens are done providing us food, we will move them into a "retirement coop" and let them live out their "Golden Eggless Years" doing whatever retired chickens may do! LOL!! Killing them is not an option here.

The boys are ready and very excited for their responsibility as egg handlers. They have already names all the girls. LOL!
*Mrs. C~(short for Mrs. Chicken)
*Princess Daisy
*Princess Peach

....Don't ask me where Izzy came from...LOL!!

I have some pictures up on my profile, but I am building our coop myself. The coop is about 6 foot by 8 1/2 foot. We are on a fully wooded lot, and my plans are to HOPEFULLY get this heavy coop up my hill. LOL! If not, I have another spot. I have built the coop to fit 12-14 nesting boxes if I want to expand eventually.

I would really like silkies as they are so pretty and I hear their eggs taste really great, but I think I'd like some easter egg chickens also....(don't know the name of them.)

Well, that's it for now....if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

Hi and WELCOME from the southeastern part of the state!! We have a thread for Pennsylvania. Check it out in the social area. Lots of great people.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
Thank You for the warm welcome! :) We are excited to move away from the cookie cutter neighborhood, to our own little preserve! LOL!! It's so strange being around all this wildlife. LOL!!

I will check out the Pennsylvania section! How do I find it??
. The Pennsylvania thread is in "Where am I? Where are you! section
LOL Hello again! I see you already made it over to us in the PA thread!!!! Keep on trucking, chickens chickens soon!!!!


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