Hello please help me with my eggs


In the Brooder
May 11, 2024
Hello group! This is my first time ever incubating eggs and I’ve had some serious concerns to my eggs. It’s just one egg and it’s my Leghorn X Rhode Island Red egg. Today is day 8 of my process and I am beginning to not see my embryo in the egg anymore. I mean it has completely vanished. I have checked for blood rings but maybe I’m just not seeing it right? I’ve also noticed that the veins seem to be moving almost like they are detached from the egg. I’ve candled this egg ever since day 1 and have noticed remarkable progress in the egg. I’ve seen the embryo and everything start to thrive in the egg! But now it’s just a dark red color of veins with no visible embryo! Is it perhaps hiding from me in the middle behind all of the veins? I’m quite concerned about this egg and have grown attached to the egg and don’t want to see it die early on. Help?


~ Artie L. (The first four pics I have sent are of the first 4-7 days whereas the fifth and sixth pic is of the 8 day (Today the 11th of May 2024)


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As the days progress you stop being able to see all the veins as the chick fills the egg. I wish I could say that is the case but you should still be able to see veins up to around day 14, for instance my eggs are on day 17 and I can still see veins but only near the tip of the egg in the lighter colored ones but in the brown ones I can't see anything.

Your egg looks like it might be a quitter but I'd wait a few more days just to be sure. If you are still able to see veins then there is hope. I would expect to see a blood ring developing if it has died.

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