Hello there, fellow chicken fanatics!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 25, 2013
Chester County, PA

I joined up with backyard chickens a few years ago, but haven't been able to start seriously pursuing chicken keeping until now. I've been doing a ton of research and I'm super excited to have some chickens become part of our little family. As expected, I have many questions and will be posting these online to ask all of you experts for your advice. My first set of questions deals with the actual chickens. I'm looking to get started juvenile pullets from a nearby farm/hatchery. I'm hoping to start with just 3 chickens. I was thinking about doing a mix of chickens: 1 barred rock, 1 buff orpington, and 1 australorp. Will that work out personality-wise? Also, do I have to have them each separated in quarantine after I get them before putting them altogether even if they are coming from the same farm? Would it be better for me to start out with 3 chickens of the same breed so they are more familiar with one another? Any input is greatly appreciated. I hope to have some diagrams up on here soon of my soon-to-be built coop because I have a lot of construction questions about that too. Thanks again!
Hello and :welcome
We are glad you joined us!

What you want to do is fine! Everybody loves to do mixed flocks, and it is actually better if you have a variety of personalities. I myself have a ton of mixed and purebred breeds in my flock and they all get along fine. Hope this helps. :)

glad you are getting your own flock.

IMO the three breeds you are considering should fare well together - but bet the BR will end up #1 in the flock.

If they are all coming from the same breeder, you should not need to quarantine them.
Just keep a close watch on them while they work out their pecking order and be prepared to isolate a bully if necessary.
Thanks for the info. I should have also mentioned that I have three young children. From what I've heard, barred rocks, buff orpingtons, and australorps would be good with kids. Do you guys agree?
No expert on breeds but with some tlc and time spent with them, they'll be fine I'm sure. From my experience, regardless of breed, some will never like to be petted- even the ones raised from chicks. I do have one that gets jealous when I pet any other flock member ( she jumps up and pecks me- silly bird). They each have their own personality.

All the best
Welcome to Backyard chickens. I think the 3 breeds you mentioned should do best fine. However, if you add a rooster to the flock, they can be very protective of their hens. and be harmful to young children.

I joined up with backyard chickens a few years ago, but haven't been able to start seriously pursuing chicken keeping until now. I've been doing a ton of research and I'm super excited to have some chickens become part of our little family. As expected, I have many questions and will be posting these online to ask all of you experts for your advice. My first set of questions deals with the actual chickens. I'm looking to get started juvenile pullets from a nearby farm/hatchery. I'm hoping to start with just 3 chickens. I was thinking about doing a mix of chickens: 1 barred rock, 1 buff orpington, and 1 australorp. Will that work out personality-wise? Also, do I have to have them each separated in quarantine after I get them before putting them altogether even if they are coming from the same farm? Would it be better for me to start out with 3 chickens of the same breed so they are more familiar with one another? Any input is greatly appreciated. I hope to have some diagrams up on here soon of my soon-to-be built coop because I have a lot of construction questions about that too. Thanks again!
Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined the flock! Those three breeds will be fine together. I've never really had a problem with mixing breeds before. If they come from the same farm then there's no need to quarantine them unless you already have chickens. The reason why you would quarantine them is new birds being brought to join your flock. If you don't already have a flock and they are all coming from one flock you will be fine. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Thanks for the info. I should have also mentioned that I have three young children. From what I've heard, barred rocks, buff orpingtons, and australorps would be good with kids. Do you guys agree?
They are great with children. You usually don't have to worry about it unless it's a broody hen that's over protective of her nest and roosters trying to protect their hens. Here's some pictures to show you the temperament on Australorps. I have a flock of 24 pullets and 1 cockerel. Not one issue on behavior. As you can see they like greeting me and looking at new things.


Welcome to BYC!

My starter hens were an ameraucana, an australorp, a silver laced wyandotte, and a black star hen. I'm happy with my choice! ^^
But, the suggested starter chickens are buff orpingtons, cochins, or australorps!
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