Hello there!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Myersville, Maryland
I am a new member of BYC, altho I have been reading posts for quite a while. I have added 4 laying hens to my little menagerie two weeks ago, and have to admit they are great fun. The flock they came from thought they were a cochin crossed on a RIR/sex-linked cross, so maybe they are the chicken version of the Heinz 57. But they are healthy, grand red hens, who are giving me brown eggs and a lot of enjoyment, free ranging my horse field during the day.

I am in Maryland and plan on attending the Chickenstock in WV!
from middle TN! Good thing you have so much space...cause you are hooked now! Chicken math will strike any time now...

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