Hello There!


7 Years
Sep 5, 2012
Grants Pass, OR
I love this website and have used the great resources for a while now so I thought I'd become a member! I only have 1 rooster who is actually a pet. We "inherited" him. His name is Chicken Little. Although he is a very sweet boy I had to go through a learning curve so I would be happy to share my experiences with raising a rooster. I realize our situation is a bit unique since we don't have hens. My husband and I and our dogs are his flock...but it works! We love him to pieces!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!
hi from california and welcome aboard :) it only takes one to get hooked :)

Oh boy do I know! You have no idea how tempted I've been to get some hens! Problem is...Chicken Little sleeps in the house. Even though we had a nice coop built for him, too many critters tried to get him! We were getting no sleep! Can you imagine a house full of hens?????

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