Hello There


May 15, 2015
Hello!!! I'm completely new to raising chickens. I live in northern Indiana and I'm trying to get a group of hens comfortable and maybe a little spoiled. I have so many questions and this site has already helped me out so much. Looking forward to getting these girls comfortable.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! How exciting for you to be starting out on your chicken adventures. What breed/s do you have? I started my adventures with red sex links and they were great layers.
Hope you get your girls settled in soon. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyine here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
I have a mix... Rode islanders some cinnamons and some Easter eggers and a couple of a breed that I keep forgetting their name... Its something "isle"... All from what I was told was great layers.

Glad you joined us, feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. The way to a chicken's heart is through its stomach. Treats are the way to spoil them. Just be sure and limit the amount of treats you give them to 10% of their diet as too many treats will make them fat and unhealthy. It's the equivalent of us eating candy bars and potato chips. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your hens comfortable.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. The way to a chicken's heart is through its stomach. Treats are the way to spoil them. Just be sure and limit the amount of treats you give them to 10% of their diet as too many treats will make them fat and unhealthy. It's the equivalent of us eating candy bars and potato chips. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting your hens comfortable.

What kind of treats are you talking about?
What kind of treats are you talking about?

Basically anything other than greens, seeds, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables, but particularly starches such as corn, cooked rice, scratch, pasta, etc. Even with things like greens, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables, while they may not get fat eating them, they will not get all the needed nutrients from them. Commercial feeds have been specially formulated to meet all of a chicken's nutritional needs and should compose 90% of a chicken's diet.
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Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Spoiled hens are happy hens! Treats and love are the best ways to spoil them. (Here is a good link on treats for chickens https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/chicken-treat-chart-the-best-treats-for-backyard-chickens) Also making sure they are safe, comfortable and have plenty of food and water is imperative to keep them healthy and happy.

Good luck with them and feel free to ask any questions.
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