Hello To All the Chicken Enthusiasts!


6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
I'm brand new at raising chickens. just got my first flock of 15; 14 hens (we think) and 1 rooster (we hope). I'm looking forward to getting all the knowledge I can about raising my chicks here in central Indiana.
Greetings from Kansas and
! Pleased you joined our community! Best of luck and have fun!
Thanks Redsox! I was looking for some information on how to treat my week old chicks (2 of them) that have dried poop stuck to their backsides. I'm afraid it will block the vent. I tried wiping it with a warm cloth but wasn't able to get much off. One of them is trying to clear it herself but she has a small bald spot on her hind quarters now. The other one just has a big clump of dried yuk on her. I put a tiny bit of vegetable oil on them hoping it will soften things up and I'll be able to wipe it clean tomorrow. Does that sound reasonable to you? I'm such a rookie at this. I have a lot to learn but I'm enjoying them already.
How many chickens do you have?
is it possible for you to try and carefully cut some of the debris off their bottoms - without hurting them? if you work some Vaseline as close to the butt as possible that may prevent it from sticking again.
Hello! Just joined the group. My son surprised us with a chicken coop and 6 chickens. 2 turned out to be roosters and they brought a small profit for my son when we took them back to the auction he bought them. :)
Is there any way of telling the age of a chicken? We have only had them 9 days. We have been getting an egg every other day. How can we tell if they are too old or not old enough for laying?

We are excited to have them! We now have a source that hopefully is still not tainted.
Thanks for the tip about Vaseline (Drumstick Diva) I was actually wondering if something like that could be done safely.
Hi Katie! Hope you have much success with your chickens ~ Have to say............... what an adorable picture of a beautiful little dancer!

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