hello where in western washington can u buy and sell teenage chickens?

:D chicken

10 Years
Mar 27, 2009
please answer the above stated question i need help!
What age are you thinking of specifically? And are you trying to get some or start a business or what?

Either way, good luck! By the way, I'm on Whidbey Island and have young chickens up for sale every once in a while if I overstock my brooder.
im in western washington and i just need to sell 2 roos and hopefully buy 2 hens
I just went to a chicken auction today in Western Washington! I didn't go to shop, I went to gawk and dragged my hubby. They had a ton of chickens, ducks, pigeons, and even bunnies (he said we could get a coup bunny after our main coup was done)... here's the info for it. Its just outside of Oakville, Wa (thats off exit 88 Centralia/Rodchester area) and well worth the drive. We saw a gazillion roosters (some where so huge I don't think I could have carried them) but they had a lot of early adult animals. I saw three lamas there too, some goats, and sheep. It was great.

http://www.camofarms.com/ is who holds it. Its the first saturday of each month. Auction starts at 10am... checkin from 8 - 9ish.

Its worth a drive! Its nothing fancy, just a bunch of country folks selling chickens... but I saw a ton of stuff I'd have dragged home in a heartbeat.
Oh, I just checked their website... the next auction is the 27th. They aren't having them on the first saturday after this month. Just check the website for the calender. I'm going to the next one too.

We should start a western Washington chicken folks anon club. :O)
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chicken fan club in washington? good idea
and thanx for your help idk if that will work but thank u anyways

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