

In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2015
Lakeland, FL
I'm D...or Dianne... or Dorothy... or Dot....or Di... you get the picture. Had lots of different fowl as a kid growing up. Then Rhode Island Reds and Black Sexlinks when raising my kids. We just rescued a Dutch Bantam hen. She is much happier now as she has given me 2 eggs so far. Planning on getting more layers...maybe a mixed flock of 5 or 6. Love the posts I've read so far!
Hi D,

I think a mixed flock is nice, it's fun seeing the different colors and behaviors. Thank you for rescuing the Dutch Bantam, if she's laying for you she must be pleased with her new home.

If you would like to meet other members in our state, you can find them here:

Thanks for joining us and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks! And Happy Thanksgiving to you! One question... How do you post a profile pic? Haven't been able to figure it out.

Hi, go to your profile, there should be "change my avatar" there. Click on it and follow the instructions - can't remember the details as its a while since i did it.

Good luck

Welcome to BYC, D. Glad you decided to join our flock. Black Sex Links are my personal favorites as they are very friendly and hardy, egg laying machines. I raised them for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids), and my BSLs have been my best layers, consistently churning out more than 300 large, brown eggs per hen per year. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Don't see any change my avatar... guess I'll eventually figure it out. Thanks! Anyway...here's Pru.

Take a look at this link to Forum FAQ...about the 5th Q/A down, it will give you a link that will show you how to change your avatar:

The Forum FAQ has a lot of information in it that will make it easier for you to figure out BYC and with a bit of practice, you'll be moving around here like a pro!

P.S. Pru is a cutie!

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