Hi all! My name is Sarah and I am a new chicken mom. My mom and I, along with my 3 year old daughter, now have 9 10-week old chickens in our care. We had been slowly preparing for chickens, but ended up helping a friend who couldn't care for the chicks one of his hens hatched because he hurt himself, so we ended up with chicks earlier than expected. We were given 6 chicks, two didn't make it because he hadn't cared for them well enough. I then went to the local feed store and got one barred rock pullet, one buff orpington pullet, one americauna pullet, and two silkies so I could raise them altogether and I wouldn't have to deal with pecking order issues. Other than the three who came sexed the sexes of the other 6 are/were unknown. It's become clear that two of the chicks I was given are roosters as they are starting to act like roosters and beginning to look different. I still don't know about the silkies as I'm not sure when or how I'd determine sexes with them. The other 5 are pullets, I'm almost certain. They're still living inside and I'm weatherizing them slowly to the hot California weather and we're not done building their coop/run. One of the main reasons we got the chickens is to be able to raise them without corn in their diet as my daughter is allergic to corn and corn derivatives and eggs that she can eat are expensive and hard to find. Thank you all in advance for your help, I know I'll need it on this journey!