Hello :)


6 Years
Mar 6, 2018
My name is mike, i have raised hundreds of chickens as a kid mostly seabrights and rhode island reds. My family now, my wife and 5 children decided to get some chicks this spring. We ended up with 23 chicks (we lost one the second day) and they are different breeds because i let my kiddos each choose one breed that they liked. Most are cochins which i love anyways. We have light brahmas, buff and blue cochin bantams, partrige cochins, black and white polish, rhode island reds, and buff brahma cochins. They are just a couple weeks old now and doing great!


Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you will bring a lot of experience with you. I hope you enjoy the site as much as we all do.
Thanks a ton! I will add some pictures as soon as i figure out how to. We love our chickens and they wil be kept as pets and eggs will be a plus. We also live in a community where farming is a major part of the economy so we have lots of friends willing to take on any extra chicks we have later on down the road.
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!:frow Glad you joined the flock! You have a lot of rare and interesting breeds there, lots of varieties and colors! BYC is the place to be when you want to ask questions discuss chicken breeds etc. Hope you have a wonderful time surfing the site!
Thank you! And yes the waiting is driving us crazy haha we cant wait to see exactly how they all turn out!

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