Hello :)


May 31, 2018
United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

My name's Bluekii (Blue for short) and I've recently joined here in the hopes of learning more about ducks and how to care for them! I have eight free-roaming Call ducks, and two Muscovy ducks.
I love them dearly and I am excited to learn more about ducks and share my experiences with everyone!

Outside of my duck life, I enjoy photography, bird-watching, drawing and horse-riding.

Have a good day,

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Hello Blue :welcome How long have you had your ducks? Have you gotten any ducklings yet?

Hi Athena,
I've had them for around 6 months now. No ducklings yet unfortunately, we had a few eggs laid but they sadly got snatched by the rooks around the area. :( Fingers crossed for the future though, I've got an incubator and I'm ready to try hatch some eggs when the time is right.

Hi Pork Pie Ken,
Thank you for the links! :)
Beautiful pictures~ Welcome to Backyard Chickens~! :woot:woot
Mind me asking what kind of calls those are? I've never seen those colors before.

Thank you! If I am completely honest with you, I'm not entirely sure myself. I actually got given these ducks from an owner who could no longer look after them. But after some research, they seem to be Apricot calls, with a mixture of Silver.

Awww, i'm so sorry :hugsIt's always hard when eggs don't hatch or when babies don't thrive...

Do you participate in FFA or 4H?

Do you ride your own horse or someone's elses?

I know, it's rather heartbreaking but life is cruel and we have to learn and strive to do better for next time. I have learnt from my mistakes this time and I am looking forwards to a better hatch in the future. :)
I don't participate in either of those, never heard of them, sorry! :(
I ride other horses, usually at a stables. I usually pick one and look after the horse like it's my own though. Riding ponies need more love. <3

Hi Blue, Hope you will enjoy Backyard chickens as much as we do. :wee

Hi Drumstick Diva,
Loving it, thank you! <3
Hi Blue! Your apricot calls are beautiful! I’d like a couple that colour too! I’m new to duck keeping too, and have 4 silver apricot calls and 2 pekins, although one of my silver apricots has barely any apricot at all, apart from some a tiny bit on her face, which makes her look like she’s blushing - my daughter named her ‘Love’ :)

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