

In the Brooder
May 26, 2019
Well, I've done it. I've decided to stop being a creeper and jump in, kinda like I did with my chicks! After years of wanting and convincing myself it was the 'right time' to get chickens; I've jumped in! A month ago I ordered 10 RIR, 10 EE, 10 dorkings, and 10 st run crested mix. The first 2 days were hard! I was on the boards constantly! We lost 7 of the original 40. (1 was to a dog, the others arrived kind of weak and really small.) At the same time I also jumped in with goats! 3! (2 kiko, 1 myotonic) I figured no time like the present! Don't put off for tomorrow!..Carpe Diem!...and all that jazz. SO HAPPY!! I love them all. They join my 4 dogs, and 4 donkeys! Oh also husband, and 2 kids at home (of the human variety) (1 kid and 1 grandkid come by often but I can't really count them in my 'herd'.) I love to laugh and I homeschool my girls, and stay crazy busy with our life, BUT it's absolutely worth it all!! Never a dull moment, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Hi and welcome to BYC and congrats on your new hobby.

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Best wishes

Pork Pie

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