

Jun 1, 2020
Loudoun County, VA
I’m new to raising chickens. We’ve been talking about it for a while but took the plunge a couple months ago. We have just 2 (hopefully) hens in our flock. One recently started occasionally crowing and I’m terrified of what comes next. Roosters are not allowed and with only 2 birds, I’m not sure what to do if one is a roo. Both were bought “sexed”.
Thanks. Can anyone help me tell if my chicks are hens or Roos? They’re Easter Eggers an we bought them as sexed pullets. My daughters are going to be devastated if one of them needs to go. (One has started very occasionally crowing.)
I’m new to raising chickens. We’ve been talking about it for a while but took the plunge a couple months ago. We have just 2 (hopefully) hens in our flock. One recently started occasionally crowing and I’m terrified of what comes next. Roosters are not allowed and with only 2 birds, I’m not sure what to do if one is a roo. Both were bought “sexed”.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
If one is crowing it's likely a cockerel. You should have gotten three but you can't go back now. You'll have to rehome the cockerel and get another pullet to integrate with your current one.
How many chickens are you permitted? How large is your setup?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
If one is crowing it's likely a cockerel. You should have gotten three but you can't go back now. You'll have to rehome the cockerel and get another pullet to integrate with your current one.
How many chickens are you permitted? How large is your setup?
We have a very small actual coop but have enclosed it in an 8’x10’ fenced run. The crower is very sweet and docile. This is just awful. I would have gotten 3 but ended up on an emergency call so my husband took the girls to get the chicks. He let them each get one. 😕. Not sure how many I’m allowed. Likely not more than 3. Town allows hens. HOA doesn’t specifically allow or disallow any. We’re allowed to keep “common pets”.

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