

Apr 4, 2021
My name is Andrea and I have four chickens. I haven't owned them for too long, but I've done so much research and and am constantly trying to learn how to better my care of them. I received my first two chickens almost three years ago (from two different hens), and i raised them from a few days old. They ended up being a rooster and a hen.
My second hen came from my aunt after an unfortunate event; she was never meant to be a pet, and so she was so unused to human interaction. She wouldn't let me near her or touch her like my other two would. Over time (and with the help of lots of treats) we've finally gotten to the point where I can walk up to her and pick her up and she'll even run over to me when she sees I've brought apple slices or strawberries or anything at all.
My fourth chicken is actually the offspring of my first two chickens. He's now a few months old and not that used to me, but he's getting there.
I'm not super experienced when it comes to raising chickens, but I'm always looking to do better for them. They all have such different personalities and different likes and dislikes. Over time, I've learned what treats each likes best, how they like to be held, what makes them happy; they're just like any other pet, and i treat them like I would my other pets. I've run into a lot of situations that have led me to this site in my search for answers, so here I am. :,)
You sound like a pretty great chicken parent! It's not always easy to get "wild" chickens to accept people.

Usually, I buy chicks, but the one time I let nature take her course, the resulting chicks were much more bonded to their mother hen than to me. So, congrats on getting your newest young one used to you.

Welcome to BYC, Andrea. It's good to have you in the group!

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