
In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 1, 2013
Chesapeake, VA
Hi! I am new to raising chickens, as I see many of you are. I live in Chesapeake, VA on 3 acres.
I have 7 chickens, 5 of which I've had since they were 3 days old and two we just got last weekend. However, they are all 5 weeks old. Looking forward to this adventure. I've already posted in the what breed/gender category and have found out that my favorite Hen may indeed be a Rooster, so the adventure has already begun!
Greetings from Kansas, MusiGal, and
! Great to have you with us! Best of luck to you and your flock!
Thanks, everyone for the warm welcome. I have gleaned so much valuable information from this site in the few short weeks I've been here...it's great!! Thanks to people like all of you who are so willing to share your knowledge and experiences. THANK YOU!!
Hello and welcome from Ohio...so glad you joined BYC

Hope you are able to keep your favorite hen that is a rooster :) I love all 3 of my roosters

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