

5 Years
Sep 29, 2014
With my dog
I'm new and very excited that I'm here. I've been told a lot about this place. I have a few chickens and a duck, but don't worry, my sister has another duck so they don't get lonely.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a cute little flock!

Enjoy them and welcome to our roost!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks (although I've had a few), but I have to admit that ducklings are the ultimate in cute. Definitely check out the duck link that Kelsie2290 has left you with. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. What kind of chickens do you have?
Thank you everyone. Michael OShay, I have an americana, a buff orpington, a buff brahma and two golden stars and a one that has americana and some other type in it.
Thank you everyone. Michael OShay, I have an americana, a buff orpington, a buff brahma and two golden stars and a one that has americana and some other type in it.
You're welcome. I've had all of those breeds over the years, and you have some good layers there. Brahmas were the first breed I ever got (about 50 years ago) and they were gentle giants. I still have Buff Orpingtons, and they are also a very friendly and gentle breed. My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) has made lap pets of ours. The Ameraucanas (actually ours are Easter Eggers like most birds sold as Ameraucanas are; true Ameraucanas are uncommon and lay only blue eggs) are my granddaughter's favorites. She loves the different colored eggs that they lay. Golden Star is one of many labels under which some hatcheries market their Red Sex Links, and like all Red Sex Links, they are egg laying machines. You will get loads of eggs from those two ladies. Good luck with your flock.

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