

In the Brooder
Apr 26, 2015
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
We just got three little chicks about a week ago for the first time, they're very adorable! We got a Rhode Island Red, Ameraucana, and a Barred Rock. We're really excited about all of this, and are very much enjoying our new friends. I did a lot of research and reading before getting them, but if anyone has any tips, please do share! This is our first time with any kind of poultry, we are considering quails at a future date also, but right now we're focused on our sweet little chickens! :)

glad you have joined us. Congrats on your new baby chicks.

Good luck on your new adventure.

Nice brooder arrangement, those cuties look quite happy with their new home.

The only tips I can offer at this time, is enjoy every minute, they really do grow fast and make sure your coop is in progress or already done :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Congrats on your new chicks they are adorable and look so happy in their new home. My top tip would be check out the learning centre https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center Lots of super articles on raising chicks. I love having chicks it's such a rewarding experience and lots of fun. Good luck if you do decide to get quail they are also another lovely bird to keep. I hatched and raised some and they were like little bumble bees when they hatched.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your chicks, be sure to ask any questions that you may have everyone here to help and very friendly.
Enjoy BYC :frow
We just got three little chicks about a week ago for the first time, they're very adorable! We got a Rhode Island Red, Ameraucana, and a Barred Rock. We're really excited about all of this, and are very much enjoying our new friends. I did a lot of research and reading before getting them, but if anyone has any tips, please do share! This is our first time with any kind of poultry, we are considering quails at a future date also, but right now we're focused on our sweet little chickens! :)
Be careful the Rhode Island reds seem to be mean to gentle breeds such as barred rocks
Welcome to BYC! Your chicks are adorable.

@sunflour and @Yorkshire coop have given you a couple valuable tips (get the coop ready and check out the Learning Center).

I'll have to disagree with the RIR's being mean to gentler breeds. We have RIR's in our mixed flock and they aren't any meaner to the other chickens than any other breed. Our flock consists of Barred Plymouth Rocks, Speckled Sussex, Black Australorps, Red Sex Links and Easter Egger in addition to the RIR. All of them will get in squabbles occasionally, the RIR's don't do it any more than the rest. At least that has been my experience.

Enjoy your chicks, take lots of pictures because as sunflour said, they do grow up really fast.

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