HELP - 2nd limping chicken in 2 days

Frankies Mom

In the Brooder
5 Years
May 24, 2014
First of all, I don't know whether 4 of my 12 birds are hens or roosters. They are now 10 weeks old, all muts. Yesterday, one chicken, who doesn't have much of a social role in the group, got up limping. His left leg seemed to be "asleep" looked like he had "pins-n-needles". I picked him/her up and examined her physically with no signs of swelling, sores, or injury of any kind. He/she ate and drank normally (maybe a little more aggressively than normal from my hand), and as the day went on, I noticed improvement. I researched about an hour and saw that "wait and watch" was the best thing to do. I checked the coop for poop anomalies and found 1 bloody stool. It was only one and it's not alarming according to a "poop chart" I used.
This particular chicken doesn't really "like" to be held, so when I tried to pick her/him up again later for a check and she/he ran away twice, I believed it to be a fluke limp and that maybe her leg was just "asleep"
This afternoon, I went out to let them "free range" for the afternoon (they only can range supervised), and the runt, who is by FAR the most aggressive and even fights, came out limping. His left leg was completely useless. It would barely keep him balanced and looked limp and lifeless (the leg).
This particular baby is the meanest one of the bunch. He/she absolutely HATES to be held. I spent quite a bit of time with him a couple of weeks ago to tame his aggressive mean streak and he didn't like any of it one bit. He either calmed down, or realized he better only be ugly when no humans are around (not often). Now that I have him being sweet to the flock, this happens. Normally, he would do anything he could to get away from me. Now, he is sitting on my lap by choice and singing to me when he wants to be hand fed and syringe
I know wait and watch is the prognosis, but OMG, I am really afraid right now.
I will post some pics shortly!
Thanks in advance for any help and sorry for the long winded request!

Is it a boy or girl? Either way, my baby is in distress and I am not sure what to do. I think it might possibly be bumble foot. There was no swelling today, but tonight, the center pad seems swollen and may have a tiny dark spot. Should I let her/him sleep or go get him and start therapy?

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