Help a Noob figure out what breeds she has!

ok so based on other pics and Big Black's feet she would be an australorp....but she is so much bigger than the other girl's I doubt myself. Also her comb is so much bigger than what I thought an australorp's should be.
she does not take kindly to be picked up!
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OK looking at the pics of Liz I would say she is a SHE! Her comb and wattles are a little pink but if she was a boy at her size she would have wattles as big as the young cockerel in my "example" picture.
I was thinking you'd say that;)

Yay Liz Taylor doesn't need to be soup!!

Now is Big Black and Australorp or A Jersey Giant? She has the size of a Jersey but her feet were definitely a pinkish hue on the underside which according to the wise chicken parents here, says australorp...
I can't help you with that one, I am not familliar with either breed. You will like your SLW's eggs. It took one of mine quite a while to get out of the smaller egg stage but the other one and the GLW have been laying a good sized egg almost from the beginning. They lay just about every day too. Mine did lay a little older too. They didn't start until they were almost 30 weeks so don't worry if they are late in starting.
thank you! A veritable wealth of information!
I love Liz Taylor! She is just hilarious and by far out quickest sneakiest chicken. She comes up and steals treats before you even realize she was there!

I'm sure someone else can help with the Australorp/Jersey Giant thing....Either way it doesn't make a big difference to me as long as they lay their eggs (whenever they start) like good girls.

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