HELP!!! Advice Needed, Please!! Duckling piped from smaller end of egg abd hasn't zipped the egg!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 27, 2013
a couple of my ducklings have piped from the smaller end of the egg, one for sure has died by the smell and no noise or movement, and the other is peeping away. I did remove a small area of the egg shell only around where he piped because it because hard. was that normal? Anyway, I wrapped the egg in a warm towel and placed back in incumbater, he's peeping away but no zipping! I don't know what to do, I am trying to hatch my peking duck, daisys, egggs, since she'd rather go swimming than hatch her babies. The hatchling sounds upset, and moving his beak in and out of the egg but not zipping the egg, I'm scared to hurt it and need advice on how to help the duckling. It's been around 6 to 7hrs so far, since I first noticed the pipe, what should I do?
Someone please reply
while I was trying to create a zipline the egg bleed a dot . size of blood, so now I am waiting, I was told at least 1hr and then I was told to wait at least two hours, what should I do?
Please Reply and Thanks for responding to my email. AnimalLover has been great and very supportive, I am at my daily limit of 14 so I am unable to reply to anymore of her responses. I sent her a email to let her know, hopefully she saw it. I made this video earlier in the day, before hurting her. She's still peeping! I feel like she's calling me for help!!
When you do the ZIP you must be ABOVE the air cell line IN THE AIR CELL , then you shouldnt hit the inner membrane with blood. the pic is black?
Listen.... you do understand there is an "inner membrane" that separates the duck/chick from the air cell area and an outer membrane that runs all along the inside of the shell???
Candle and MARK with pencil the line the air cell runs at the top of the duck..... and STAY ABOVE THAT LINE AND TAKE HER top shell off, BUT NOT THE INNER MEMBRANE
and dampen her membrane with out getting her beak with CLEAN FINGERS AND WATER ONLY..... and wrap her shell in a warm damp paper towel, she may be stuck

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