Brenda Jones
My 4 Sapphire Gems(12 weeks old) stopped eating their fermented food... so I left it dry, they won't eat that either. I have mixed in mealworms ( in both wet and dry) and they pick out the mealworms and only eat those. I have tried black sunflower seeds and smaller seeds, grinding up their normal food, mixing in warm milk, cooking split peas ( also feeding them raw). I made an herbal treat block that they devoured. We are getting down into the teens at night and only low 30's during the day. They are going to bed with very tiny (hard) crops. They are used to foraging throughout the day, so I wasn't too worried if they didn't eat a lot of their food, but now the ground is covered in snow and they don't want to come out of their covered run area. ( I am using "scratch & peck" organic soy free feed, organic cracked corn, split green peas... treats grubblies, mealworms, black sunflower seeds (wild birdseed mix) choice grit (which they are also not eating) I don't want to just give them treats. Please advise. Thank you