Not exactly new to chickens, just a little new to the chicks, we just had a couple hens hatch out 9 chicks who were happy an running around with their Mommys today, but since they've been so busy with the 9 they have they left 4 eggs in the nest, one of which was cracked and bad an we candled the other 3 and couldnt see well enough to tell so we cracked a hole in one and come to find out there's a chick.. After realizing this we brought the eggs inside and put them in a heating pad, (we dont have an incubator) since then the one we cracked has hatched and seperated from the egg, now im wondering what to do next, he hatched, but Will the others? Should we try to crack them a little bit too? And should I put the chick in a box with light, or try to put him out with the hens tonight? Any advice helps.