HELP!! Apple Trees + Beetles


In the Brooder
Oct 16, 2015
Hoopa, Ca.
I don't know what kind of beetles they are but they are killing my apple trees. They are drilling holes and laying eggs!! Someone said equal parts dish soap and water, spray the tree with it and the beetles will die. They also said they were Japanese beetles, but then I was told that we don't have them in Hoopa. Does anyone know of how I can protect my trees, with out harming the trees?

If you look in the holes you can see the eggs!! My Uncle used to paint these trees white but that was 6-8 years ago. How do I save these trees? Please help. I don't want to have to cut them down. I don't want to lose these.
I'd call your local agricultural extension office and see what they recommend. A paint mixed with interior latex paint and spackling compound is often used. You want it to be a "still paintable" consistency, though on the thick side. Looks like a lot of damage. It may be too late, but worth a try. Do a google search. You should be able to find plenty of answers.
I'd call your local agricultural extension office and see what they recommend. A paint mixed with interior latex paint and spackling compound is often used. You want it to be a "still paintable" consistency, though on the thick side. Looks like a lot of damage. It may be too late, but worth a try. Do a google search. You should be able to find plenty of answers.

Thank you for the reply. I'll be making calls today.
I found this page.

Going to ask my local tree nursery if they have anything natural that will work. I don't want harsh chemicals because I want to be able to eat the fruit! This page seems to be natural also so if they don't have anything I'll try this stuff. One of my nurses told me that she bought some type of organic spray at our tree nursery, that saved her 4 trees, so I'm going to give that a shot.
If you're looking for an insecticide that is considered organic look for Neem Oil Extract. You can generally find it anywhere that sells gardening supplies, including big box hardware stores with a gardening department. I buy it concentrated then dilute it according to the instructions in a pump sprayer and spray my garden and trees with. Since it is organic you can eat the fruit or veggies on the same day. The insects have to ingest it to be affective (i.e. plant eating insect). It will not harm beneficial insects (such as ladybugs, lacewings, etc) even if they eat an infected insect such as aphids.

For caterpillars and cut worms I've occasionally used BT (Bacillus thuringiensis ) with a duster (but you can make a duster with a coffee can with lots of nail sized holes punched in the bottom and shake).
If you're looking for an insecticide that is considered organic look for Neem Oil Extract. You can generally find it anywhere that sells gardening supplies, including big box hardware stores with a gardening department. I buy it concentrated then dilute it according to the instructions in a pump sprayer and spray my garden and trees with. Since it is organic you can eat the fruit or veggies on the same day. The insects have to ingest it to be affective (i.e. plant eating insect). It will not harm beneficial insects (such as ladybugs, lacewings, etc) even if they eat an infected insect such as aphids.

For caterpillars and cut worms I've occasionally used BT (Bacillus thuringiensis ) with a duster (but you can make a duster with a coffee can with lots of nail sized holes punched in the bottom and shake).
Awesome thank you!! I'll ask the nurseries about it!
If I can't save the tree's, if I can manage to harvest some seeds, will they taste like the mother trees? I'm looking into buying some Neem Oil Extract, but I have been told my trees may be to far gone to save.
No. You're wasting your time saving the seeds IMO. They won't breed true. What you could do is save some scion branches from the trees you have and graft that onto some sapling apple trees. But, by the time you buy the saplings, you might just as well buy a variety you'd like to have. Keep in mind that those beetles will be already well established on your property, and looking for new fruit trees to infest! You'll have to stay on top of a management system.
I'm looking to get the Neem Oil Extract that was mentioned earlier. And a grip load of Guinea hens and ducks. I had my cousin up there today, when they hauled the trailer off, and he said that he can clone the trees and the fruit would taste the same. Is that true when you clone a tree?

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