HELP! baby chick showing signs of possible gapeworm!


5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
I have had them inside for one whole week now, so they are only 8-9 days old (purchased from the local farm store) and my gold sex link keeps "yawning" and stretching out her neck, and scratching at her ears. I constantly change their water, bedding, feed and clean them if they manage to step in their poop (seems to keep getting stuck to Ruby's feet, she likes walking in the fresh stuff. They have not been outside (too cold) or in anything/anywhere where they could have got gapeworm, so I am trying to figure out what it is or could be. I don't want to lose any of the chickie babies :(
I would guess she has gotten a bit of pine shaving or similar stuck partway down. I would probably try offering tiny bits of soft bread alternating with drinks of water, in the hope it would help it pass.

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