HELP!!! Badly broken egg


6 Years
Jun 17, 2013
I am a teacher at school, where we keep chicken. We have tried to hatch some chickens at school by using a broody hen. I am new to all this and it was my decision to breed them. However, it has been allowed, but everything seems to be going wrong. First the chicken turfed out several eggs, as she had about 30, so we decided to incubate (trying to save them), so far 4 hatched with one that died. Approx. 20 were removed and they all seem to be at different stages (candelled them to check), but with only one incubator, this itself has caused problems. The first to hatch could not turn to zip out, so I successfully assissted at this time, but followed all procedures to the bone.

This morning we came to find several broken eggs under the broody hen, with a dead chick and lots of maggots, therefore, we decided that it would be best to remove and finish incubation in the incubator. All but one of the dammaged eggs perished. I now have one broken egg, with a large hole (at the wrong end!!) and a chick peeping through. I have tried to leave to see if yolk will be absorbed, and keep checking membrane, but there is still a blood supply and realise you cannot remove the chick with the membrane still bleeding. I know I should leave the egg but the chick if starting deteriorate and now struggling - what should be the next steps. I have wrapped in wet muslim towel. The chick is approx. 20days. Please advise.

Thank you
Put it in the incubator, mist it and close it up - let nature take its course.
The staggered hatch is probably why the hen lost interest.
In the future, mark all the eggs when they're set under a broody with the date so you can remove volunteers and the hatch won't be staggered.
If you get a cracked egg earlier, try coating the crack with bees wax to keep bacteria out and moisture in.
By the way, that should have said it WASN'T my decision to breed them!! But as I am the 'animal' person in school, it has been left with me to look after them, as hopefully I will do an Ok job, and that is why I need help. The students are relying on me to make sure they are all ok.
The hole is far to big to close it up and the chicks beak is clearly on display. The membrane hole is relatively small (1cm), but the shell missing is about the size of a 50p, but only the outer membrane keeping the chick in. I am presuming that I cannot intervene until there is no blood in the membrane. Does the blood dry up automatically once the egg is open, or is it more to do with the age of the chick, as it is obviously premature by a few days. I was just wondering if in life and death situations there was anytime that the chick needed getting out.
If the chick has a little hole to breath I would keep it wrapped in a warm moist paper towel in the egg in the bator and then wait and see if it will absorb and come out on its own maybe :/ I don't think taking it out is the best thing at all unless the chick has been in there for a while 24-48 hrs longer

And yes next time mark what eggs she has under her to hatch and check and make sure those are the only eggs under her every few days. I only let me seasoned momma sit on 10-12 eggs just they all get turned and warmed properly :)
just from my on little hatch and research I do believe if you keep it at the right temp and the shell misted it'll go okay...when it stops bleeding you can take little pieces off...if you see any evidence of blood stop....go very slow...take days as long as it's breathing and chirping it may finish hatching it's self...I did have that happen...that little chick is doing great!! try to let it do most of the work once you free the head....keep us posted!
Thank you everybody on your replies. I am going to take your advise and keep the membrane as moist as possible. I have a damp cloth around it now and it seems to be helping and I will keep dabbing the membrane with water. The chick is still ok in there, but not as active and hopefully thing will work out. I was pleased how my first assisted hatch went, so hopefully I have learnt from this and will let you know how it goes. It happened this morning, so I will reassess things tomorrow and check for bleeding again.

Thanks again

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