Help!!!!!!!! Blood in the coop !!!!!!

So this is all I saw this morning regular poop and a lil bit of Red and a good amount of white in this one BUT NO BLOODY MASACER like the last 3 Days !!!! View attachment 1149754View attachment 1149755 View attachment 1149756View attachment 1149757 View attachment 1149758
I'd like to comment that those are wonderfully clear pics you took. Great job! :thumbsup

That much blood and fluid is a new one on me. Even for that age group, that's a lot. It is possibly (hopefully) a good sign there wasn't that amount of blood again today. The two reddish tissue looking items in the poop today almost look like shed lining. But that's just a guess.

I hope everything keeps going as well as it is today. I'm very interested to see what this may be. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow! :)
Sorry about your girls Gabby and sorry to barge into your post. I posted a couple myself and had no response yet. Good luck!!!!
Hi, I have not. I am going to look for a vet tomorrow .
It's possible she could have coccidiosis. Coccidiosis "can" overwhelm a bird if given the right set of conditions.

Usually coccidiosis is one of the first an easiest things a person can treat for if they have Corid or Amprol on hand. If you can find a vet...he/she will likely be able to make a more definitive diagnosis being able to examine the bird in person. If you have pics/sample of what's being passed...that will help the vet to diagnose what's going on.

The same info for your vet pertains to your situation as well @Gabby_The_Chick_Lover13

Please keep us informed to the vets' findings. :)
Sorry about your girls Gabby and sorry to barge into your post. I posted a couple myself and had no response yet. Good luck!!!!
I went to go look for your post.
It looks like you posted your "need for help' on an older established thread.
In the future for quicker help you may want to start a new thread.
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