Help! Bloody diarrhea, chicks dying


14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Kingston, GA
I posted yesterday about bloody diarrhea. I had 23 bantam chicks, now down to 20. I started them on Sulmet last night around 10:30. I have had 3 die since then and have 7 or 8 now that ar very sick. I am separating the sick and not sick but treating them all with Sulmet. I went to feed store and got medicated feed and probiotics to add to feed.


1. Do I feed them the medicated feed as well?

2. What else should I do?

3. Is this Cocci or something else?


Very bloody diarrhea, "Puffy", no sneezing, or coughing. Some are listless, and standing still with eyes closed.
Sounds like Coccidia. If so you are doing the right thing. Can you get a stool sample to your vet to find out for sure? Call Peter Brown of First State Vet Supply. Google him and his # should come up. Good luck.
I did go to the First State Vet website, and it says Sulmet will make the bloody diarrhea worse, and to start with Corid first. The farm supply doesnt carry Corid, and the other place I could get it from is closed today. Ugggh! Now what? Do I take them off the Sulmet and just do medicated feed today until I get the Corid tomorrow? They seem to be getting worse and worse and the bloody diarrhea has definetly gotten worse.
Bloody poo sounds like coccidiosis to me. I'm in the and here I use Baycox from Bayer Animal Health. I use medication through the water 1ml of baycox to 1 litre of water. the response is rapid. 24 hours should see them right. Keep them on baycox for 3-5 days.
Good Luck
I will definetly look into that. My plan for today is to continue with the Sulmet and regular feed with probiotics until the Vet supply opens tomorrow and I can get another medication to try... if they survive til then.
I am removing any poo as soon as it hits the floor and keeping them warm. Once they come off the medicated water Ill switch them to medicated feed... and Im never ever going to raise chicks on nonmedicated feed ever again. So much for organic chicken farming. Dont want to go through this again

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