Help, bloody egg?


7 Years
Mar 10, 2012
I have a broody hen who was sitting on 8 eggs, 7 of whom hatched yesterday/last night. The 8th pipped this morning. Mama hen moved earlier this afternoon and at that point there was a hole big enough to see the chick's beak and so I put the egg back under mama, just went out there and the chick is #1 still alive, chirping and breathing...but it almost looks like it's shell has been pecked off. It isn't in the typical zip pattern, and there is some blood, not a ton. I put it back under mama but not sure what I should do. Should I try to save it? Just leave it to hatch the rest of the way on its own?

This is what it currently looks like
I'd try leaving the chick under the mother for another 45min- hour. If the chick hasn't hatched by then, and is still alive, you can try helping. However don't try to completely "hatch" the egg. It sounds like the chick just grew slower; if it hasn't absorbed the yolk completely, it isn't ready to hatch. If you see any blood, stop. This link may be able to help you, but keep in mind doing too much can kill the chick. While the page says to go around the whole egg, you should be able to help without going completely around. Good luck!
Sometimes when broodys see pipped eggs they start pecking because the jen usually doesnt se the pip just thr chick after it hatchs. So when they see a pip its like seeing a peck mark on a regular egg amd they peck it.

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