Help! Brooder accident!

Seems to be doing better. He made it through the night but holds his foot up and limps. It doesnt spread out right anymore so its kinda squished together.

Hes enjoying roosting. He was running around earlier like he was fine. He roosts on his shank on the other foot though. Ive put hot hands in to keep him warm during the night. Seems to be doing good. There is finally a scab but still swelling.
Will he have a problem walking or mounting when hes older?

The lavander goes on the wound right?
He may have a slight limp for the rest of his life. Depends on how well it heals, I guess. So glad to hear it's doing better.

Yes put lavender all over his leg but make sure you have a carrier oil with it. What company oil are you using?

This chick will probably always be very personable after all this attention and care
If lavender (essential oil) is organic, or a really good company, it shouldn't hurt them if they ingest a little bit. I personally recommend DoTerra or Young Living. They're a little pricey compared to the average bottle of lavender oil in the grocery store, but the grocery store ones aren't very good.

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