Help!!!!! Buff Orpington fractured leg

We couldn’t make a decision on the spot so We asked them to splint/wrap it right now and we’ll take her home. I figured it will give us a chance. I’ll get pictures later.
they are now saying that the splint will only be a baindaid until we can come back to euthanize
Sorry about your hen. It does look badly broken. I would probably have had it splinted as well. You can take her home and think about how to proceed. I do not know if she can get over this, but you could see how it goes with splinting and rest. Someone else who has treated a broken leg might be better to advise you.
The 2 birds that input under anesthesia both died. A goose we had several years ago broke it's leg and it was dangling. Spent over a 1,000 should have been more but the vet felt bad after she died and didn't charge us. The surgery was a success and he fixed her leg with a rod, but again she never regained consciousness. The other was a duck who again I spent several hundred to try to have an egg removed that was on her ovary and she also died as she never woke up from the anesthesia. In her case, I think she also died from sepsis due to the egg being inside of her for so long. I would get antibiotics and try to set it using a rod from the outside. So sorry about your poor chicken 😢

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