HELP! Camr home to a chick in distress


5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
I am new to chickens and i just bought a batch from my local feed store. Everyone was fine this morning i handle them twice a day for a few minutes. When i came home this evening one was peeping bloody murder so i went to see what was going on, the chick was scratching both sides of the face by the earlobes which is now raw and no feathers and holds his head close to the breast bone while standing and closing eyes. Hot to the touch as well not like the others. Goes at random he will be still and then frantically scratch shake head and roll around.
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This is difficult, I don't know if he'll survive since it could be something internal.
The best thing you could do is make sure it drinks water with electrolytes, and because it's feeling hot put it on the other side of the heat lamp.
Is it eating/drinking at all? Is it getting picked on? Where did you get it from?

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He is acting normal other than the shaking i did get a chance to search the forums and found a few things. After a little while last night he was fine so weird. I am an animal person been raised on a farm never had chickens tho.

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