Help! Cheap/Simple DIY Incubator


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 23, 2010
Hello everyone in the BYC World.

Recently I came to the conclusion that I want to hatch my own eggs. Unfortunately I don't have an incubator. I've looked for plans on how to make 'em, but they seem complicated or complex. I just need something simple, I'll manually turn the eggs. I just need to know if a box with a light shining at the right temperature is good enough. Please help.

Steer me in the right direction or post pics/plans on what you did.

I was trained to believe redundancy is a good thing 2 lights at half the wattage is better then 1 that burns out and gets cold. a cheap computer fan helps a lot.
now i made the cool box superduper with thermostat and fans and all the dogs dangly bits and its rubbish lol temp fluc water thermostat range too long and humidity is still a issue

i tried to install a velleman thermostat but it wont turn off the lights at all so still trying to mess around with that and change bulbs to 12v instead of 240v. hope that is better?

then on the other hand i had too many eggs so i thought quick made a simple one so i got a plastic box added a 40w bulb with a fan behind it cut a small hole in the side for a vent added a plastic dish and i did make a roller turner from outside for ease and guess what the eggs have all veined and are doing well. the temp is checked witha reptile thermometer and says approx 100 they are quite small dials.

ill let you know how it goes?

on day 8 now

so the more complicated you make it the more stress and they all do the same job!

try to keep it simple

i would like to try to make a plywood box one next where the heat source iscreated in a seperate space and the fans circulate the air to the eggs it has multiple bulbs. because for christmas i am having a temperature controller a proper one lol which will help considerably.

DIY is fun only when you get it right! and i havent yet lol
Here is an easy to build bator... Plans, and the Working Model.




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