HELP!!! chick cannot walk,crazy ground slapping??


5 Years
Sep 17, 2014
we just incubated a small clutch, five perfectly healthy biddies except...the sixthone has been causing me some grief he became shrink wrapped and failed to zip all the way, so we waited about a day after he partially zipped and we became concerned when he became very quite. we waited till morning and when he seemed to be trying again, but failing and he was gasping for air in his shell, we helped him succesfully hatch. the membrane had dried onto his back and there way no way he ccould have done it alone. he seemed ok, very tired no blood or anything he had pretty much dried out before we intervined , i regret not acting sooner but i would have hated to be wrong and bust out a premature chick.
anyway soon after he started trying to move but his legs stick straight out in front of him and he slaps the ground like crazy trying to move, usually rolling himself or flipping. he is not splayed, they are not to the side they stick straight out front he cant walk and im absolutely sick with worry/guilt
he peeps just fine, pretty active and trying very hard to walk but simply cant..
his eye is also partially closed?? it seems like its just ...squinty like this o.e
the bottom lid didnt open all the way or did it dry shut??
please help ;-;

edit- btw this is day 25!! of the incubator everyone else hatched three or four days before this one he was pipping while they hatched and took all this time to zip /barely/ halfway. we were gonna toss it because we thought it was bad/dead baby but you could hear him peeping so we tried to be patient with him..v i feel terrible..
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Hi :welcome Glad you joined the flock. Sorry your peep not well :hugs. I would really try not to feel terrible about this it's all part of incubating and hatching and at the end of the day we cannot control nature. What will be will be. Chicks that struggle to hatch or a very late at hatching are usually weak chicks with health issues anyway. Helping sooner may not have made a difference. I would hand feed and water the chick regular to try and keep its strength up. I would also have a read up on wry neck just to see of your chick is showing any symptoms of this as you said cannot walk and ground slapping. Really hope your chick makes some improvement soon and good luck :frow
its just so stressfull it has been a long time since we have incubated but our hens just wont sit.
he seemed to be dying at one point and now he is trying his hardest to stand properly.i have tried lifting him intoa sort of standing position and he can keep his head up and the neck looks alright its almost like he cant support his own weight. i dropped some water into his beak as he would have diffinatly flopped into a waterdish and drowned so i didnt even try it. he seems to be resting but is peeping with much more energy and his eyes have fully can i feed him?

i joined because its so nice to have actuall chicken people help, i tried to get help from my sister and she told me to put it out its misery but i just cant if its got any chance of making it..i dont want to rob it of a life it has a chance of having..
yknow? and our flock is sorta small/ageing we need these little guys to make it...esp since we lost a rooster recently :(
I belive the biddy actually has a neurological problem. it can stand now but RUNS very fast before falling/crashing the the ground. He does not 'walk' at all, it either a jump and fall or running t the speed of light...he is in a much smaller box now to prevent injury. He does not track things very well, i offered a moth to him after he couldn't seem to pinpoint feed (he would peck one time, miss the chick feed by quite a bit then give up so figured a wiggleing target would hold his attention better) he missed the moth and pecked my finger before wobbling over and then gave up. But i noticed when he tries to focus he sways side to side like he cant quite locate it or like he is too dizzy to focus...

he flips sometimes and wont correct himself so i have to constantly check him and put him right.

also he can drink water with help, but seems to go in like a trance and falls asleep while swallowing so i do a one eyedropper drop at a time and he ends up swallowing fine...he just seems to fall asleep instantly . from wiggleing and protesting to knocked out??
Sorry he's not any better. I've had chicks with wry neck before and some of the symptoms you are describing sound like it. Other symptoms you describe do sound neurological. I think you have to make the tough decision of what you actually do now. What's the best thing for the bird and also have you got the hours that really do have to be put into a sick bird. I had two with wry neck one had to be euthanised as it was just making no progress and I was flogging a dead horse really. The other made it but did start making progress sooner. All the flying about the chick is doing will just be draining it of energy that prob why it's going into the knocked out zone it will be just worn out. I know it's a very difficult decision to make I've had to do it myself, but think of this way you have done and tried everything you can sometimes everything just can't be saved :hugs
sigh... i really hate to give up on him but i suppose if he cant even eat he will just be starving to death ..
thank you for your help, it's disheartening to loose one but these things just happen i spose..
the other chicks are absolutely perfect, nice sized biddies so i suppose i can call this incubation a 'damp success'
It is disheartening I know but you have five healthy chicks that you can concentrate on so I would call your hatch more than a damp success. I'm afraid it's all part of incubating and hatching not everything goes as planned. You have done all you can. Anyways good luck with your 5 little peeps.:jumpy

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