Jackalope Vigil

6 Years
Nov 19, 2013
Phoenix Arizona
A yellowy puss looking liquid just came out of my new chick! She jusr got to my house from the store and she loojed like she was pasting up so, like my last chick to have a poop butt, i pulled it off, but a yellow liduid came out and now that i look at it, it doesnt appear to be coming out of her buutt! Help please!
Is the liquid coming out of the vent or from the umbilicus (navel) that is under the vent? I would worry about mushy chick disease (omphalitis.) If it is that the chick won't live, but look at the vent and try to make sure that is is not just diarrhea. Also, don't pull off scabs or poop, but try to wash the poop off with warm water on a paper towel. Here is a link to read:
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Thank ypu so much, i think thats what she has. Iys scabbed up now and shes moving aroumd like a happy little chicken but will start to cry very loudly. I cleaned her off so do i just need to wait and see if she dies or not?

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