6 day old struggling to breath and seemed fine this morning. only paper towel in their brooder so far. Any advice? he's not running away from me when i pick him up and he was laying with legs sprawled out when i saw him.
He won’t open eyes anymore. Been dipping beak in sugar water and he’s drinking sometimes. I looked in throat and it looked okay. He’s barely breathing now and 5 degree Fahrenheit colder than others
How’s his crop and droppings before all of this? What are you feeding him? Anything else you added to their water? What’s the temperature in the brooder?
You should separate him from the rest and keep him comfortable for now.
His crop felt empty to me? I did rub it a bit. Feeding just 22% chick feed. Added ”stress aid” to water since I got them at day old. Not sure of droppings. I was watching him. as I said he was fine this morning and then hasn’t pooped since I’ve been watching him constantly since I found him
Okay I will remove him and use heating pad to heat him. he hasn’t been eating since I noticed him but he has been drinking a bit when I dip his beak in the electrolyte water or sugar water