Help Convincing Parents!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 19, 2009
I absolutely love all animals, and my family owns a Border Collie, 2 parakeets, and some goldfish. I am not entirely new to the world of chickens.

I tried hatching last year, with this "incubator" on Amazon for $20 with included RIR eggs. Just to tell you, none of those eggs hatched. There were kind of doomed from the start. The incubator had very poor ventillation, with just a small whole in the thin plastic dome-top. There was no fan, so the temperature would soar back and forth, and the humidity was provided from 2 water basins. I definetely did not experience "begineers luck".

A year gives a lot of time to throw yourself into research. BYC is an absolute godsend! The delemma is this: for the holidays, I want my parents to buy me a Brinsea Mini Advance, Silkie eggs from BYC, and support me in my coop plans. Being the determind girl I am, (and being on the debate team at school), I have created a rough presentation for them.

Here it goes:
Everyone Freeze!!! The only rule I have for my presentation is that you must remain silent until I am finished presenting my case.

I've brought you both out today to present to you my side of the argument as to why I should be able to have the following things:
1. A nice incubator (Brinsea Mini Advance)
2. Hatching chicken eggs ( or from BYC or ebay)
3. At least the consideration to put out a coop on the back patio and keep 2.

I will now start by stating your presumed arguments against my case.
1. Its ridiculous.
2. Chickens are dirty and disgusting and loud.
3. There are better things to have then chickens.
4. We would do all the work.
5. You'd get tired of them in 2 weeks.
6. Neighbors would complain.
7. There is no benefit.
8. It cost too much money!

Now that I have stated all of your presumed arguments, I will now start to refute them all strategically.
Contention 1-"It's ridiculous."
Refute- What is so ridiculous about keeping 2 considerately small animals? Chickens are birds, no different than the horrid parakeets in the kitchen. Chickens have a whole lot more charisma then those two. Our back area is at least 11'X11'X10'. Chicken coops that already have a run inside them are actually smaller than these measurements by up to 3 or 4 feet! 2 hens do not need a large amount of room. Chickens are fairly docile creatures that don't require free ranging. Our dog takes up more space then they would.
Contention 2- "Chickens are dirty and disgusting and loud and stupid."
Refute- I would like to first state that chickens are divided into two sexes, just the same as people. There are females, called hens, and males, called roosters. I am not planning to keep two roosters! Roosters are out of the picture here. I am choosing only to keep two hens. Hens do not exude the same noises as roosters. They are moderately quiet, no louder than the already stated parakeets.
Secondly, yes, chickens do in fact produce waste just like any living organism. However, considering that chicken coops have an easily cleaned out floor, as in one of my examples, the Eglu, this shouldn't be a problem to bend down once a day or two and simply shake a plastic covering into a garbage bag. There is no need to fuss around. Chickens are self-cleaning, which means they preen their own feathers and require a miserly amount of grooming. They are very soft and pleasant to hold. If they were raised from a chick, they love to be handled and pet.
Third, the most outrageous statement would be that chickens are stupid and disgusting! Chickens are in fact very intelligent animals! The breed I want to have, silkies, can actually respond to their names being called and run to their "mom". Since I would raise them from newly hatched chicks, I would be their mom! They would run to me and could learn to recognize their name. They would be affectionate and it is not unheard of for chickens to demand being pet. Overall, hens are quiet, clean, and affectionate animals.
Contention 3- "There are better things to have than chickens."
Refute- This is a statement based purely on opinion. Perhaps your idea of better is maybe jewelry or money. However, ask another person and they will say they want a ninja sword, or another will say they want a pet alpaca! Perhaps based on your opinions there are better things to own but based on my opinions chickens are want I specifically want for the holidays. Considering the gift would be for me, why should it have to be something that you don't think is the best? Maybe I don't like the gifts I buy you or the gifts you buy yourselves, but do I say anything about it? No.
Contention 4- "We would have to do all the work."
Refute- You guys would have a difficult time trying to get any time around the chickens. Considering I would be their surrogate mother, don't you think I would get just the teensiest bit attached? Although raising chickens doesn't even require all that much work besides maybe throwing in some fresh feed and refilling their water bowl, I understand the enormous strain you would feel to have to do these terrible chores. Which is why it would all be up to me. I don't mind bending my back a couple degrees to reach for some food and water for the chickens. There is also no problem in simply shaking out their waste into a garbage bag, or performing a weekly cleaning by sweeping out the coop and run. Collecting eggs isn't exactly a chore as much as a pleasure. Think of Jennifer's excited face when she sees that the chickens have laid a beautiful egg. She would have stimulus to eat protein! Mr. Cede Raspberry would be extremely proud of this.
Contention 5- "You'd get tired of them in 2 weeks."
Refute- Pretty ridiculous, considering just the incubation period was 21 days. Was I tired by the second week of incubation? Absolutely not! Perhaps you argue that after they have grown into a whopping 4 pound bantam, then I will lose my love. To this I reply; have you ever lost your love for Lady? Imagine that Lady was practically created by you. You would have an even more intense bond. A creation bond doesn't break in merely two weeks, if ever!
Contention 6- "Neighbors would complain."
Refute- Under San Jose city laws and regulations, each household is allowed up to 6 livestock animals without a permit, so long that the animals are kept 15 feet from the nearest dwelling. If the neighbors can keep their screaming monster child and yapping Chihuahua, can't I keep my civilized poultry animals? According to Parkside regulations, pets are allowed. Chickens are pets, therefore by the transitive property, chickens must be allowed.
Contention 7- "There is no benefit."
Refute- This is the most ridiculous argument of all. Hens are extremely beneficial animals. Let's point out the most obvious way first. Hens lay eggs. Hens that don't eat pesticides and poisons lay completely organic farm-grown eggs. Why purchase $4 eggs at the supermarket when you can enjoy a delicious omlette without leaving the comfort of your own home, absolutely free. It has even been clinically proven that organic home grown eggs have a better nutritional value then mass marketed pasteurized chicken eggs. More proteins and good cholesterol, less fats and bad cholesterol. It’s a simple equation. Healthy chickens, healthy eggs.
Hens are also beneficial in their calm, docile, friendly manner. Just as other pets are bought for entertainment and companionship, so are chickens. Chickens are highly entertaining and socialable creatures. They like being stroked and cared for and respond to their names being called. They are rarely aggressive and cannot really hurt you because they have no claws or teeth. They can support a healthy emotional climate and take away stress. There is nothing more calming then the sounds of a roosting chicken or anything more peaceful then the sight of your hens tucked away in their nests, asleep.
Contention 8- "It costs too much money!"
Refute- Am I going to stand here and tell you this is cheap? Of course not. However, I will stand here and tell you it is well worth their price. They provide you with love, entertainment, and fresh eggs. If you say that is not a value, then how to you justify purchasing a $1000 purebred dog? Sure, Lady is more intelligent and does a lot more, but does she lay eggs and have feathers? Of course not. Don't even get me started on the monstrosities in our kitchen. Ugly, pathetic, dirty, and loud. Parakeets are usually pleasant, but ours must have serious problems because all they do is eat, poo, and scream their heads off. They don't even let us have decent conversations! They must cost us about $20 a month considering all the food they consume. Lady costs even more. By the simplest math possible, 4 times 2 (considering you buy eggs twice a month) is 8. 8 times 12 is $96. If you continued this manner throughout Jennifer's childhood lifetime, (11 more years) this adds up to a whopping $1056! I'm not even counting what you will spend as you age and need more eggs in your diet. So, in conclusion, it’s a worthy investment we can treasure forever.

Now that I have successfully and logically rebutted all of your arguments and protests, I will now state my own reasons for wanting these things.
1. Chickens are amazing animals. They are really versatile. They make excellent pets, provide you with a constant food source, and are a pleasure to have around. They are also really, really lovable and their feathers are silky to the touch. There is not much cuter in this world than a newly hatched, downy chick.
2. It would be a great learning experience. Hatching chicks by hand is like seeing one of nature's miracles before your very eyes. It would give Jennifer and me a whole new look at the world and you cannot say that chicks are not completely adorable and amazing. Hatching chickens is a well-respected hobby and pastime, and there is much to be learned from this experience.
3. It's what I want. Do I need a reason as to why I want something? Just as maybe Papa wants a new watch or new tennis bag, or Mama wants a new BCBG dress or some gorgeous beads, I can't help that I am a crazy animal lover. Chickens are like a gift that keeps on giving. If you just give them a chance, you will love them too!

All in all, I want to thank you for listening to my presentation. I hope it has convinced you of what to get me this holiday season. I am always open to compromise, but what really lies at stake here is the promise that these gifts will be given, give or take several months from the holidays. If you want to see me happy, blissfully cheery, and your younger daughter seeing the miracle of life and having the excitement of taking out real home-grown eggs out of a nest, it would make sense to bestow the honor of owning these fascinating creatures. It would teach so much and give the chance to teach new morals of responsibility. Owning chickens is a rewarding, fun experience the entire family can enjoy. Nothing like owning a pet that feeds YOU every day!

Okay, I know this isn't perfect. So this is why I am asking here for help. Out of all people, BYC members probably have the most reasons why chickens are so worthwhile

I know what I am doing. I am no average teen, running after the newest trend. I have been persuing this ever since I saw San Francisco Zoo's incubation exhibit. I love chickens!

**edited to remove age**
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Good job! One thing i would think about..just in case they try to say it...Disease..
they may say that chickens carry salmonella..etc...

just be prepared to refute that..just in case.
You did an awesome job! Your parents should be proud of you!
I gota say welcome for one
For two if you cant convince your parents with that argument something is very wrong.

My father helped me build my first coop when i was bout 13 i gota say its a great thing, ive had chickens my whole life other then a few years at college. Good luck!!!
Now I am building my son another coop lol
and again welcome to BYC
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Post removed. Please do not post trolling or inflammatory remarks

all in fun, didnt mean to be censored by trying to poke a little joke
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Thats sounds good I did something very similar and look at me now I have 20+ chickens and two coops. I am going to be up to three roosters after this weekend
I will have you know I did give up a lot of other "stuff" most teenagers would have I have defently not regained my spending with these birds. Hopefully I will be able to break even selling hatching eggs now instead of eating eggs. You really seem very mature and should be able to handle it. I was your age when I got chickens two years ago also. Its a great alternative to the usual highschool not so savory activities. Thats a great argument also taking up time is great so far to me and its really on nessacary to spend about an hour a day on my flocks.

Good luck hope you get chickens,

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