Help! day 23 and a chirping egg PICS ADDED!

The little one died over night.

Thank you all for the support and suggestions.
You are appreciated.
I am so very sorry to hear that...

We were all so attached... and just know you gave her the best little life she could possibly have had... you were awesome.
am so sorry to hear. Just found the thread and have read all 13 pages! What drama! It hurts so bad after you've done everything you can and still have a bad outcome. May you have better luck in the future!
I buy pullets--too chicken (pardon the pun) to try to hatch my own. Maybe somebody on here who lives close by to you has a little buddy for your lonesome chick. You know we all want to give you
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So sorry to hear!
Been following the drama and was so hoping for a better outcome. I'm hoping, too that you can find a friend for your surviving chick!

Married to a wonderful, handy husband with 3 beautiful daughters and 4 silly chickens - 1 BO, 1 RIR, 1 EE, and 1 GLW.
I hate to say this now, but saw newspaper in your brooder...please replace with paper towel or shavings, so it does not cause problems for your other one. I only had 2 hatch out of my first, and the second died day 4...I had to go get a buddy from the feed store, but both are doing well at 2-1/2 weeks now:)
Me, too, me too. I did a little gardening today and a bird - an eastern phoebe- was in the garden when I went in. It stayed for a couple minutes before fluttering to a nearby tree. Then, a little while later it sat about five feet from where I was weeding- on the other side of the deer netting. Gave me chills and filled me with happiness at the same time.

Sadly- both of my chicks died last night. The healthy one was doing great until late last night when it was peeping loudly and wobbly. I don't know if they had a virus- or maybe the healthy one got at the wood chips under the newspaper. It was chipper and fine earlier. It looked like it had foam at it's beak when I found it this morning and had poop on it's butt. Any ideas? Later in the day- a hummingbird hovered at my bedroom window while I was looking out.

My babies are resting and letting me know they are in a good place now. I'm not hatching again for a loong time.

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