Help Determining Duck From Chicken Eggs......


Aug 24, 2015
Whippany, NJ
Hey all, This is my first post on byc..... My hubby and I have ventured into having ducks and chickens. All of them we believe are laying as of now - they are about 5 months old. Now the question that I have is how do we tell the eggs apart? Some of them are obviously MUCH larger than the others. But how do we tell which are which?
at 5 months i have never had a duck lay unless it was spring and they were thrown into breeding season early. its always been about late 5 months to maybe 6 months some even take a year to start laying eggs.
Yeah, I bet in a month or so you will start seeing some white eggs show up, and maybe blue/green as well! I have 4 layers, 3 of them lay white/cream colored eggs, and one lays the prettiest green eggs you've ever seen. Here is what I collected from my ducks in the last 6 days. Your eggs are so pretty and clean! I would read up on storing them unwashed, it is supposed to really help their shelf life and keep the natural antibacterial bloom in place.


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